Marmoris Ecom request you to check the product details thoroughly before buying any product.

How to return the product

1) We will not accept the return of the product if you don’t make the video of the time. We suggest you make a video while opening it and send this video to us.

When can the product be returned

1) You have 7 days to return the product, after 7 days we will not return the order.

How can you contact us after returning the product?

1) Keeping in mind the above condition, if you return the product then you can contact us within 48 hours on this number 9625424959 or email id

How many days does the refund take to arrive?

1) After checking the product returned by you, if the product is in returnable condition then you will get your refund within 15 working days.

Contact us to know about the product

Apart from all this, if you want to know about the product or want more information, you can contact me on this number 9625424959 or email id